Minu Tenson B.A.M.S (Ayurveda Therapist)
Minu Tenson
B.A.M.S (Ayurveda Therapist)
Minu Tenson, hailing from Kerala, the heartland of Ayurveda in India, is an exceptionally skilled practitioner in the field. Graduating with a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery from the esteemed Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science in Bangalore, known as a premier institution for Ayurvedic studies in South India, she embarked on a journey driven by a childhood aspiration of serving humanity through medicine.
Her academic excellence was evident throughout her education, consistently securing top ranks and accolades in various subjects. Beyond her formal education, Minu furthered her medical knowledge by delving into allopathic medicine during her tenure as a Duty Doctor at Lenus Hospital, Bangalore, renowned for its multi-speciality services, particularly in Laparoscopic surgeries. Additionally, she honed her expertise in Panchakarma treatments and herbal medicine through stints at prestigious Ayurvedic clinics and hospitals across India.
Minu Tenson's area of expertise spans a wide array of conditions, including joint disorders, skin ailments, musculoskeletal pains, obesity, mental health issues, post-natal care, digestive disorders, and insomnia. She also boasts proficiency in para-surgical interventions like chemical cauterisation (kshara karma), leech therapy (Jaloukavacharana), cauterisation (Agnikarma), and venepuncture (Siraveda).
Central to Minu's approach is addressing the root cause of ailments rather than merely alleviating symptoms. By amalgamating traditional Ayurvedic wisdom with contemporary diagnostic techniques, she offers bespoke treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs, aiming to empower patients to reclaim control over their health and lead fulfilling lives.
With a listening ear and a collaborative spirit, Minu engages with patients to devise treatment strategies aligned with their objectives and preferences. Whether seeking relief from specific conditions or striving for holistic well-being, Minu is committed to guiding individuals on their path to wellness.
Minu Tenson specialises in the following Ayurvedic Therapies and Treatments:
- Shiro Abhyanga (Indian Head Massage)
- Pada Abhyanga (Foot Massage)
- Mukha Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Face Massage)
- Abhyanga (Whole body Soft tissue massage)
- Shirodhara
- Ayurvedic Deep Tissue Massage
- Marma Massage
- Ayurvedic Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
- Nasya (Nasal Cleansing)
- Basti's (Janu-Basti, Kati-Basti, Nabhi-Basti, Hridh-Basti, Greeva-Basti & Netra-Basti)
- Karnapuna (Ear Therapy)
- Vasti's
Personal Achievements:
- Recipient of the Ayurvisharada Award, bestowed by the Himalaya Wellness Company.
- Certified by VIBHA Sessions on Cosmetics Preparation organised by Ayurveda Map.
- Participant in NIMESHA, a National Level Workshop On Dissection of Orbit, Ear and Nose with its applied aspects, hosted by SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Udupi.
- Active involvement in the Charaka Ayurvedic Forum, Shivamogga, focusing on the use of Prathisaraniya Kshara in Diabetes.
- Participation in numerous National Level Seminars conducted by esteemed colleges and universities across India