Ayur Healthcare, 169 George Street, Parramatta 2150, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia |  Open 7 days, 8 am to 8 pm


Ayurvedic Treatment For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a relatively common disorder associated with widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness in the nape (back of neck region) of the neck, Trapezius muscle, medial border of Scapulae, gluteal region, forearm, and medial side of the knee. It is associated with local swelling and reactive hyperemia at these tender spots. The nature of pain is deep throbbing, shooting, and stabbing and often with a burning sensation, (Also knowns as Fibrositis).

[Note – Hyperaemia means an excess of Blood in Vessels supplying and organ or part of the body]

In General, this condition is seen most commonly in young women who are otherwise healthy but often stressed, tensed, depressed, lack of proper sleep, and anxious. Symptoms are often worsened by emotional and physical stress. There is the history of poor sleep and lack of freshness when waking up in the morning. Usually, the onset of symptoms is gradual.

-Researchers believes that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensation by affecting the way the brain processes pain signal. Ayurveda treatment consists of an explanation of the disorder (No Major cause) along with local Massage and ‘Nadi Swedana’. Relaxation and Muscle toning exercises of the affected area are helpful

Etiological Factor of Frigidity

The true cause is still undermined but as per the latest research, multiple hit theory involves genetic disposition (Heredity) by some trigger as explained below.


A past illness may be worsening the symptoms such as Flu, Pneumonia, GI Infection, caused by Virus like Salmonella link to the Fibromyalgia manifestation.


Often it is seen fibromyalgia runs in family. You are at Higher Risk of Fibromyalgia, if you have a family member with this condition


This condition link to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Usually those people who have gone through severe Physical or Emotional trauma.


Like Traumatic impact, Stress also can leave long-lasting effects on the body. Stress mainly disturbed the Hormonal changes which can produce Fibromyalgia.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

  • Generalize stiffness or aches at many sites of the body for more than 3 months.
  • Generalized fatigue with Headache with Migraine
  • Insomnia or Sleep disorder, particularly time cycle
  • Neuronal and Psychological complaints
  • Swelling with Tingling sensation or Numbness
  • Painful Menstruation in females
  • Hypersensitivity to cold or Heat
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Fibro Fog (Sometimes problem with thinking and memory)
  • Dryness in Mouth, Nose and Eyes
  • Abdominal Pain

Ayurvedic Concept with Management

In Ayurveda, there is ‘Vata-Vyadhi’ is mentioned which is quite similar to Fibromyalgia known as ‘Mansa Dhatugat and Mansavrut Vata’ and as per success treatment history of Fibromyalgia, Ayurveda believes main causative factor is ‘Vata Dosha’ Imbalance.

According to Ayurveda, Vata is main accumulated Dosha, get aggravated and destabilizes the Nervous System, and creates Hypersensitivity leading to pain and tenderness. Accumulation of ‘Aam’(Toxins) and ‘Shrotoavarodh’ (Blockage of Circular Channels) are also contributory factors.

Ayurveda further explains toxins within the body are considered as the root cause of many Autoimmune disorders like Ankylosing Spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and disease like Arthritis. Toxins block the channels of circulation to the affected area.

In Ayur Healthcare, the first line of treatment of Fibromyalgia aggravated Vata and accumulated Toxins will be tackled and flush out the toxins out of the body with correction of the digestion system with constipation and the effect of chronic stress.

Panchakarma Therapy is highly effective in the case of Fibromyalgia. The ‘Snehan’ (Pre-purification Measure through Massage by herbal medicated oil) and ‘Swedan’ (Sudation or Sweating through Medicated Herbal Smoke) are very useful in the balancing of ‘Vata Dosha’ and loosen the ‘Aam’ (Toxins). ‘Snehan’ given first and after ‘Snehan’, immediate ‘Swedan’ will be given. Herbal Decoction may be added to enhance the effect.

Ayurvedic Medicines – prescribed by practitioners in Ayur Healthcare

Diet and Lifestyle Advice by ‘Ayur Healthcare’

Vegetable Soup and Juices, Coconut water and Coconut milk, Juice of Carrot, Cucumber, Beetroot, Cooked vegetable, Spice like Cumin, Coriander, Ginger Asafetida, Green Salad with lemon juice should be added daily lifestyle food habit.

Practitioner of Ayur Healthcare advice cleansing is very important in fibromyalgia and Aloe Vera Juice consumption is highly useful in cleansing.

Hot, Fried Food, Spicy Food, too much Tea, Coffee, Alcohol, sleeping during the day time and Staying up late at night should be cut down from the daily lifestyle.

Do not hold natural urges, because as per Ayurveda, natural urges are signal to the an individual to act, need to be attended immediately prevent toxins.

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