Ayur Healthcare, 169 George Street, Parramatta 2150, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia |  Open 7 days, 8 am to 8 pm


Low Back Ache Ayurveda Treatment in Sydney

Low Back Pain (LBP or Back Ache) is a common disorder involving the Muscles, Nerves, and Bone of the back region, including degenerative or traumatic changes to the discs and facets joints, which can cause secondary pain in the muscles, and nerves, and referred pain to the bones, joints, and extremities.

Backache has sudden onset or can be chronic pain, constant pain or intermittent or stay in one place ( most common in Osteoarthritis, specific location like knee or any other local joint area) or radiate to other area’s ( Most common in Fibaromyalagia i.e most widespread pain), Can also be sharp, piercing or burning sensation. Pain may radiate in Legs or Feet and may include symptoms other than pain like Tingling, Weakness or Numbness. It can divide into two categories such as Acute or Short Term Low Back Ache and Chronic Bache Ache (Long Term)

Acute or Short Term low backache generally lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Most acute back pain is mechanical in nature i.e the result of trauma to the lower back or a disorder such as arthritis. Pain from trauma may be caused by a sports injury, work around the house or in the garden, or a sudden occurrence such as a car accident or other stress on spinal bones and tissues. Acute pain syndromes can become more serious if left untreated.

Chronic Back Ache means pain that persists for more than 3 months is considered chronic. It is often progressive and the cause can be difficult to determine.

Common Symptoms like …..

– Muscle Ache (Strechning Like )

– Shooting or Stabbing Pain

-Pain that Radiates down your Legs( Usually found in Sciatica)

-Limited Flexibility ( inability of rotation of joint)

-Inability to stand up Straight ( Due to lack of Calcium, zinc and phosphorus content and Vit D or Brickling of Bones)

– Morning Stiffness( Most Common Symptom)

Differential Diagnosis

Muscle or Ligament Strain, Bulging or Ruptured Disc, Spinal Degeneration, Osteoarthritis , Skeletal Irregularities, Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia, Cerebral or Lumber Spondylitis or Spondylosis or Osteomyelitis (infection in the bones of the spine) and Sacroiliitis(inflammation in the sacroiliac joints).

-X-ray (images show the alignment of your bones and whether you have arthritis or broken bones.)

-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Computerized Tomography Scan (CT Scan)

-Bone Scan ( to detect Bone Tumors or Compression Fracture, in the rare case)

Ayurvedic Concept with Management

In Ayurveda, this condition referred to as ‘Kati-Shoola’ i.e Here ‘Kati’ means Low Back or Hip Region and Shoola mean the pain which can be different in nature. Various names for this condition are mentioned in Classics of Ayurveda ( Science of Life or Knowledge of Life ) like Kati-Vata or Prishta Shoola or Kati Graha or Trika Shoola. Here Vata (Air Factor) is predominant dosha( A Sanskrit language word used for three constitutions or substance of Human Body) among three doshas, i.e VATA (Air) , PITTA( Fire factor) and KAPHA( Water factor). Among these three doshas, Vata Dosha causing these conditions and are categorized under Vataj Nantmaja Vyadhi ( Vyadhi means disease, specifically Those disorders which occur due to vitiation of this specific Vata Dosha

Note – VATA, one among these three Dosha( constitution) is said to be superior most in all aspect for every properties and activity and health benefits but strongest in its ability to produce disease and worst mortality, In general, According to Ayurveda, Vitiated Vata is responsible for any type of Vedana or Shoola( Pain) in human body.

At Ayur Healthcare, the Ayurveda practitioners in Sydney treat Back pain or Kati-shoola according to the presentation of the dosha predominance and underlying cause. Treatment may include Panchakarma therapies for Shodhana, internal medicines, external applications and advice on diet and lifestyle modification.

In Ayur Healthcare, Qualified and Highly experienced Ayurvedic Practitioners ( Possesses B.A.M.S i.e Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicines & Surgery) Degree(5 & Half Year Course, Included with 1 Year Internship, Registered in Indian Medical Council), team mainly focus on Abhyanga ( Medicated Oil Massage), Dhanyamaladhara ( traditional liquid massage therapy where lukewarm herbal liquid) or Also Called Deep Tissue Massage, Vasti or Kati Vasti ( A medicated Enema to expel out the unwanted toxins in Body, Mainly use in Rheumatoid Arthritis cause as per ayurvedic theory, main causative factor in Aam Vata (R. Arthritis) is Apakwa Anna ( Indigested Food which turns in accumulated toxins and get associated with Vata Dosha and travels to the joint area in body with vitiated Vata and causes burning sensation with inflammation and painful sensation ) are done according to the severity and nature of backache or the disease. Therapies may range between 3 – 6 weeks and can expect maximum recovery with in this period. Duration may vary further based on the underlying cause.

Backache pain treatment purely based on Vata shamak( pacifier) oil application and vatashamak medication, although Ayurveda believes root cause of every disease is individuals Aahar( type of food intake) and Vihara (Lifestyle), so we also focus on individual Prikriti( Constitution), Mahanarayana Oil mixed with Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera) is important useful oil for massage therapy.

Ayur Healthcare provides proper screening of patient, personalized herbal medication and therapies which make its path different in management of back pain. Some of the Herbal medicine preparation which is highly impactive in management of Back pain is as follows, Mhayograaj Guggul, Vatagajankush Rasa, Lakshadi Guggulu, Dashmularishta, Triphala Guggulu, Punnarva Mandoor, and Kiashor Guggulu. etc ( Do not take these medications without prescription or To be taken under Practitioner guidance)

Get the best Panchkarma treatment in Parramatta from Ayur Healthcare, Australia.

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